WEBINAR – Cambiamento climatico e ruolo del Consiglio di Amministrazione – 15 Giugno 2020





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Cambiamento climatico e ruolo del Consiglio di Amministrazione

15 Giugno 2020, ore 11:00

Chapter Zero Italy è il Chapter italiano della Climate Governance Initiative del World Economic Forum. Costituito nel 2017 da un gruppo di amministratori non esecutivi di società italiane, è parte di Nedcommunity dal 2019. Il suo obiettivo, in collaborazione con i Chapters costituiti in altri paesi, è l’approfondimento, la discussione e la condivisione delle problematiche che discendono dal governo dei rischi e delle opportunità legati al cambiamento climatico. Il nome Chapter Zero riflette l’impegno a raggiungere un’economia a zero emissioni di CO2.

Maria Pierdicchi
, Presidente, Nedcommunity


Franco Amelio, Sustainability Leader, Deloitte

Sabrina Bruno, Unical-Luiss G. Carli, Chair, Chapter Zero Italy – The Nedcommunity Climate Forum

Stefano Pareglio, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, FEEM, Co-Chair, Chapter Zero Italy – The Nedcommunity Climate Forum

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WEBINAR – The business response to the climate challenge, 29 Aprile 2020

Chapter Zero Italy

ha il piacere di segnalare il Webinar

The business response to the climate challenge

Organizzato da Chapter Zero UK e Willis Towers Watson

29 April 2020, –  9:00 AM – 10:00 AM (BST)

Email  [email protected] to register

The postponement of COP26 to 2021 gives a little more time to recover from the immediate COVID crisis and develop the business response to the continuing climate challenge. Rain Newton-Smith, Chief Economist at the CBI, will share the approach they are taking to driving towards the net-zero carbon transition, and we will hear from Chapter Zero supporting chair, David Tyler, Chair of Hammerson plc, on that company’s response. Rowen Douglas, Head of Capital Science & Policy Practice at Willis Towers Watson, will facilitate the discussion and virtual panel, while also providing his insights.

Susan Hooper will introduce the Chapter Zero Directors’ Climate Journey, and explain how she has used this thinking to engage in climate-related discussion on her boards. Susan is non-executive director at Uber UK, Rank Group plc, Affinity Water and Wizz Air, and a member of the Chapter Zero Steering Group.

WEBINAR – Explaining how the European Green Deal can accelerate the transition towards a decarbonised economy

Il Webinar è un’iniziativa di Chapter Zero Italy – The Nedcommunity Climate Forum

Explaining how the European Green Deal
can accelerate the transition towards
a decarbonised economy

streaming May 8, 2020 – h. 11:00 (CET)

In December 2019, the European Commission launched the European Green Deal, a new strategy oriented at achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, in which decarbonisation and resource-effciency were set as the main targets to pursue. Acknowledging that climate change represents a severe threat for the society, the strategy identifes a clear opportunity as well to set the European economy on the pathway to sustainable development. The rise in the EU’s climate ambition for 2030 and 2050, the Just Transition Mechanism, and the preservation and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity are just a few elements of this strategy. However, the Commission recognises that these ambitious targets cannot be met without the engagement of the private sector. And, accordingly, among the main aims of the European Green Deal, mobilising the stakeholders and partners is the most signifcant.

The webinar is aimed at providing in-depth commentary on the specifc actions included in the new strategy and on how these actions are going to help Europe meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, while leaving no one behind.

PresenterRiccardo Christopher Spani holds a Bachelor degree and a Master degree in Economics from University of Rome La Sapienza. He is a Researcher at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.

SpeakerMauro Petriccione holds a degree in Law from University of Bari and a Master degree from University of London – London School of Economics and Political Science. Currently, he is Director-General of Climate Action at the European Commission

Il webinar sarà tenuto in lingua inglese.
Per maggiori informazioni, consultare l’agenda.
La partecipazione al webinar è gratuita, previa registrazione.
Per registrarsi, compilare il form  QUI
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WEBINAR_ The Climate Crisis: Transition to net zero


Climate Crisis: Transition to net zero
April, 2, 2020 – h 10.00 (IT Time)

The UK government legislated in June 2019 to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, becoming the first major economy to do so. The net zero carbon target will require sweeping changes to almost every aspect of our life and business operations.

Deloitte, in collaboration with Chapter Zero, the UK Chapter of the World Economic Forum Climate Governance Initiative, will discuss how business is embracing this challenge and building this into their strategy along with likely upcoming regulatory change to drive further action.

Nick OwenDeloitte
will lead the discussion between:
Gregor AlexanderCFO, SSE plc
Mike Thompsonthe Committee on Climate Change

Webinar Registration HERE 
This event will be hosted by webinar and dial-in details will be sent to you following your registration.