Financial disclosures and the management and integration of climate considerations into reporting: Reviewing the substance behind the reports.

This seminar will give non-executive directors of financial institutions an overview of the climate risk reporting frameworks that exist worldwide. During this interactive workshop, we will focus on the recommendations set by TCFD and the challenges they present for the financial sector. We will also explore best practice in relation to these recommendations. Please note this seminar has limited space and will be capped at 30 participants.

This event will be hosted by Francesca Tondi Guy,  former banker, and non-executive director and ESG Committee Chair of UniCredit, with expert contributors:

· Neil Stevenson, Director, Audit & Assurance, Deloitte

· Alan N. Smith, Senior Advisor on Climate and ESG Risk Management, HSBC

To read more about the event, CLICK HERE

To register CLICK HERE

Webinar – Linking Climate Transition and Executive Compensation

“Chapter Zero Italy, in connessione con la preparazione al COP26, invita alla partecipazione al webinar organizzato in partnership con Chapter Zero Malasya e Willis Tower Watson. Durante l’evento verrà presentato il Guidebook “Linking Climate Transition and Executive Compensation” che include anche i risultati di una survey ad amministratori indipendenti promossa da Willis Tower Watson e Climate Governance Initiative del World Economic Forum (di cui Chapter Zero Italy è espressione) e che ha coinvolto più di 100 società quotate, di cui 20 italiane.

L’evento si svolge l’11 novembre in due sessioni con uguale agenda e diversi panelists. Chapter Zero Italy partecipa alla sessione delle 18.00 (CET) con il contributo della nostra associata Silvia Stefini (membro Steering Committee Chapter Zero Italy e amministratore indipendente Italgas e Falck Renewables)

Per registrarti CLICCA QUI

Webinar – Interview with Butch Bacani, Programme Leader at the UN Environment Programme’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative

Chapter Zero Italy invites you to an Interview with Butch Bacani, Programme Leader at the UN Environment Programme’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative, on October 4 at 5pm.

Launched in July 2021, the UN-convened Net-Zero Insurance Alliance brings together eight of the world’s leading insurers and reinsurers to play their part in accelerating the transition to a net-zero economy by individually committing to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in their underwriting portfolios by 2050.

To register CLICK HERE.

Webinar – CGI Russia – Board challenges in tackling climate change in Emerging Markets

The Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) Russia in partnership with general partner – Sberbank, London Stock Exchange, Chapter Zero Brazil and Chapter Zero Italy is delighted to invite board members, asset managers, chairs and members of audit and risk committees  to take part in the panel discussion “Board challenges in tackling climate change in Emerging Markets” on June, 9 2021 at 3 pm Moscow.

Emerging Market economies continue to take significant strides to establish good corporate governance practices, and have shown improvements in the areas of board independence and long-term stewardship of companies.

Climate change has introduced new challenges for all boards, but presents added complexities for the boards of companies in Emerging Markets.
Once again business resilience is under threat and boards are being challenged to own the business response.

Join our panel to explore how to embed climate considerations into board decision-making and act upon the risks and opportunities that the climate emergency poses to the business success of their companies.

The content of the panel is curated to be relevant to boards of directors enabling them to act upon the risks and opportunities that the climate emergency poses to the long-term resilience and business success of their companies.


Ayuna Nechaeva, Head of Europe, London Stock Exchange (UK)


Silvio Dulinsky
Head of Business Engagement, Latin America, World Economic Forum

Alexander Vedyakhin
First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank (Russia)

Benedikt Sobotka
CEO, Eurasian Resources Group (Kazakhstan, Africa, Brazil)

Silvia Stefini
Non-Executive Independent Director, Italgas and Falck Renewables, Steering Committee Chapter                     Zero Italy (Italy)

Tarcila Ursini
Independent Board Member, Grupo Korin and Independent Board Member, Sustainability and People Committees, Agrogalaxy SA (Brazil)

Fan Fu
President, CEO, China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. (China)


To register CLICK HERE.


Cross Chapter Communication of Events

Please do keep adding your Chapters’ events in your respective tab (quella al link sotto dopo google sheet) and I will circulate them on a fortnightly basis.

Events coming up in May:

  • 5th May at 5:30 CET or 12:30 (UTC+8): Climate and Sustainability Ambitions of our Trading Partners
    From Climate Governance Malaysia, click here for more information and registration.
  • 10th May at 9:30 CET: Exploring the role of carbon offsetting in the transition to net zero: education for board members
    From Chapter Zero, the UK Chapter, open to all and click here for more information and registration.
  • 12th May at 15:00 CET: Scenario Planning and Climate Change Resilience
    From Chapter Zero, the UK Chapter, open to all and click here for more information and registration.
  • 13th May at 10:00 CET: The Role of the Banking Industry in Facilitating Climate Change Mitigation and the Transition to a Low-Carbon Global Economy
    From CGI Russia, open to all and click here for more information and registration.
  • 19th May at 14:00 CET: The Role of the Board, Energy transition and the harder-to-abate sectors: Emily Farnworth in conversation with Adair Turner
    From Chapter Zero, the UK Chapter, open to all and click here for more information and registration.
  • 25th to 27th May: 5th Annual Oxford Business Law Blog Conference
    Business Law and the Transition to a Net Zero Carbon Economy, for more information click here.

Events from the week past:

  • From Chapter Zero, the UK Chapter: Biodiversity: Understanding Nature-Related Risks and the Economic of Biodiversity.
  • From Chapter Zero Mexico: Low Emission Technologies: the development of our energy’s future. 

FEEM Webinar | Reshaping the scores: what happens when an ESG rating changes its scoring methodology?

Stakeholders’ attention towards the relationship between firms’ financial performance and their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance is progressively increasing, leading analysts and operators to rely always more on ESG rating providers. However, as time passes by and firms and financial markets develop, significant changes occur to data providers as well. Recently, a key rater has rewritten its ESG ratings, generating important and retroactive implications for researchers and investment professionals. For this reason, Florian Berg, Kornelia Fabisik and Zacharias Sautner in the research article “Rewriting History Il: The (Un)Predictable Past of ESG Ratings” attempted to measure the impact of such changes on tests that connect ESG ratings to stock returns. The webinar aims to provide an in-depth commentary of the article, offering the stakeholders valuable insights to interpret ESG data and related research outcomes. Speaker: Kornelia Fabisik, Assistant Professor, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Discussant: Simone Chelini, Head of ESG and Strategic Activism, Fideuram-lSPB Asset Management SGR
Presenter: Riccardo Christopher Spani, Researcher, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

This webinar is part of the FEEM/DeRisk-CO project, which aims at stimulating a debate on the importance of assessing and disclosing climate-related risks and opportunities and their impact on financial performance, with a particular focus on Italian businesses.

To register CLICK HERE

Webinar – 25/03/2021 – Food, Fashion and Innovation Industries: How and When to Reach Carbon Neutrality?

Climate related impacts on the medium- and long-term oblige food and fashion industries, amongst others, to reconsider their strategy to maintain productivity and sales levels. While, the innovation industries may offer technical solutions, available for all sectors, to reduce GHG emissions.
Join this roundtable to discuss the experiences of industry leaders and their journey to carbon neutrality.


Diana Verde Nieto, Co-founder of Positive Luxury

Andrea Illy, Chair Illycaffè
Lavinia Biagiotti Cigna, Chair and CEO Biagiotti Group
Edgar Tung, COO Esquel Group
Emanuela Trentin, CEO Siram-Veolia

To register Click HERE.

Webinar – 26/03/2021 – Climate Disclosure and the European Directive on Non-Financial Reporting: What Boards Need to Know?

This webinar will analyze the application of the European Directive N. 2014/95/EU (in force since 2018) that – for the first time ever in the world – requires boards of directors of European big corporations to publish information on “the expected impact of science-based climate change scenarios on corporate strategies and activities” and will share existing research and insights on how different stakeholders (authorities, investors, advisors, firms) integrate non-financial and climate disclosures into their business, and their expectations from the future developments.

Welcome note
Sabrina Bruno, Chair Chapter Zero Italy

Boards and climate change: moving to a global system of thinking and reporting
Veronica Poole, Global IFRS and Corporate Reporting Leader Deloitte

Quality of climate disclosure: takeaways from Italian non-financial statements
Silvana Anchino, Head of Issuers Information Supervision Office CONSOB

From climate disclosure to governance and strategy: the SNAM model
Alessandra Pasini, Chief Financial Officer Snam s.p.a.

Investors and climate change in Europe: Morrow Sodali Institutional Investor Survey 2021
Fabio Bianconi, Senior Director Morrow Sodali

Do investors care about carbon risk?
Iancu Daramus, Senior Sustainability Analyst Legal and General

Driving insights and action for a better economy. Voluntary vs. mandatory reporting – sticks and carrots
Steven Tebbe, Steering Group Member EFRAG Reporting Lab & Managing Director CDP Europe

Future legislative developments in Europe
Franco Amelio, Sustainability Leader Deloitte

Closing Note
Maria Pierdicchi, Chair Italian Nedcommunity


To register click here.

Spatial Environmental and Resource Economics – FEEM

Although the spatial dimension is embedded in the vast majority of issues studied by environmental and resource economics, its incorporation into economic models – especially in the form of explicit introduction of a spatial transport mechanism – is not widespread. As a result, important aspects of these issues may not be accounted for, which could lead to regulatory inefficiencies.

Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas will deliver a lecture on the major spatial transport mechanisms, along with the methods to incorporate them into forward-looking optimizing economic models. Furthermore, he will present an extension of Pontryagin’s maximum principle under spatial dynamics and explain the emergence of spatial pattern formation through optimal Turing instability. The discussion will cover several examples of the use of spatial dynamics with a special focus on climate change and will illustrate why space matters in environmental and resource economics. Moreover, the differentiation of policy when spatial transport mechanisms are taken into account will be discussed.

The tools presented in the lecture, along with their applications, provide a path for future research in environmental and resource economics in which the underlying spatial dimension which is very real – is fully considered.

Discussant: Massimiliano Mazzanti, Professor, University of Ferrara

This webinar is part of the FEEM/DeRisk-CO project, which aims at stimulating a debate on the importance of assessing and disclosing climate-related risks and opportunities and their impact on financial performance, with a particular focus on Italian businesses.

To register HERE

Webinar – The Board and Climate Change – Deloitte


Gentili Associati,

sperando di fare cosa gradita, vi inoltriamo il link alla registrazione della webinar Global Boardroom Program di Deloitte Global attraverso il quale potrete seguire una tavola rotonda rivolta a board members, dirigenti e investitori, per discutere di cambiamento climatico, ormai driver primario per la ridefinizione di strategie, modelli occupazionali e catena del valore delle organizzazioni.

Il webinar ha visto la partecipazione di:

  • Paul Polman: Co-fondatore e Presidente di IMAGINE; Ex CEO di Unilever; Vicepresidente del Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite; Presidente della Camera di Commercio Internazionale; e presidente della Said Business School
  • Rose McKinney-James: Consigliere indipendente presso MGM Resorts International e Toyota Financial Savings Bank
  • Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala: Presidente e Amministratore Delegato: Ayala Corporation; Presidente: Globe Telecom, Inc Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc; e Bank of the Philippine Islands; Vicepresidente: Ayala Land, Inc.; Manila Water Company, Inc; AC Energy Philippines, Inc.
  • Michael Herskovich: Global Head of Corporate Governance presso BNP Paribas Asset Management

Nel corso del webinar al quale hanno partecipato anche Sharon Thorne, Deloitte’s Global Chair e Marc Van Caeneghem, Deloitte Global Sustainability Leader, è stato messo in evidenza come in questo contesto sia cruciale il ruolo dei consigli di amministrazione e come gli stessi possano fungere da catalizzatore per spingere le organizzazioni ad agire ora sulle questioni di sostenibilità che contribuiranno a plasmare il loro futuro e quello del pianeta. In aggiunta si è discusso anche dell’iniziativa WorldClimate di Deloitte che prevede l’impegno formale a raggiungere Net Zero entro il 2030.

Clicca qui per vedere il webinar!


  • È più urgente che mai che i consigli di amministrazione siano coinvolti in relazione al cambiamento climatico. Tuttavia, solo il 15% dei membri del consiglio è “qualificato dal punto di vista ESG” e meno del 7% è “competente in materia di clima”.
  • Le organizzazioni che non hanno incluso il clima nelle agenda del consiglio di amministrazione o che non hanno amministratori “competenti in materia di clima” sono maggiormente esposte a rischi.
  • I consigli di amministrazione dovrebbero discutere spesso in merito all’integrazione degli aspetti legati al clima all’interno della strategia aziendale e nelle decisioni di investimento.
  • I rischi connessi al clima vanno oltre il cambiamento climatico stesso e includono anche rischi fisici, rischi della catena del valore, rischi normativi, rischi tecnologici e rischi reputazionali.
  • Gli investitori chiedono sempre di più l’impegno da parte di management, amministratore delegato e consiglio di amministrazione sulle questioni relative al cambiamento climatico e temono l’utilizzo di degli strumenti a loro disposizione nel caso in cui non vengono rilevati progressi.
  • Ogni membro del consiglio ha il dovere di informarsi in merito ai temi connessi al clima e alla sostenibilità e sulla relazione che vi è tra questi aspetti e il raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali. Se necessario questi dovrebbero porre domande e cercare supporto esterno.
  • Anche le piccole organizzazioni possono essere parte della soluzione. È importante per loro concentrarsi solo su ciò che è rilevante e su ciò che possono portare in tavola come parte della soluzione.