Conferenza Annuale – International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)

Nedcommunity ha il piacere di comunicare che è Partner della Conferenza Annuale dell’International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN). La conferenza, ospitata da Assogestioni, è organizzata in premier partnership con UniCredit.

Oltre 400 tra gli investitori e le aziende più influenti al mondo si riuniranno presso l’UniCredit Pavilion per quattro giorni di discussioni significative sul futuro del governo e della gestione societaria.
L’evento ha l’obiettivo di fornire uno spazio per conversazioni costruttive tra investitori e aziende.


Per garantirti la tariffa scontata, seleziona “non membro” seguito da uno dei codici di sconto:

M18NEDCO – Per partecipare solo alla Conferenza –  Sterline 940
M18NEDCA – Per partecipare alla Conferenza  e al Focus sull’Italia –  Sterline 1125

L’agenda include oltre 100 relatori esperti internazionali, tra i quali:

  • Patrizia Grieco, Chairman, Italian Corporate Governance Committee, Chairman, Enel, Italy
  • Tommaso CorcosChairman, Assogestioni, CEO, Eurizon Capital SGR, Italy
  • Barbara NovickVice Chairman, BlackRock, USA
  • Jean Pierre MustierCEO, UniCredit, Italy
  • Christina UngureanuHead of Corporate Governance, Eurizon Capital SGR, Italy
  • Kerrie WaringCEO, ICGN, UK
  • Luca GaravogliaChairman, Davide Campari-Milano, Italy
  • Nandini SukumarCEO, World Federation of Exchanges, UK
  • Andrea SironiChairman, Borsa Italiana London Stock Exchange, Italy
  • Gian Maria Gros-PietroChairman, Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy

Guarda tutti i Relatori

Tra gli argomenti in agenda:

  • Codici di stewardship: mettere in pratica i principi
  • Borse e diritti degli azionisti: una corsa verso l’alto, non il fondo
  • Governance e tecnologia: quali sono le opportunità e i rischi?
  • Best practice per proxy advisors  e dati sugli investitori / esigenze di ricerca
  • Verso l’integrazione  degli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

Guarda l’Agenda completa

Per informazioni –  Marina Remondini – [email protected];
Tel. 02 48005103

The 22nd European Corporate Governance Conference

The 22nd European Corporate Governance Conference will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on April 19, 2018, endorsed by the Ministry of Finance and under the auspices of the Bulgaria Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The main theme of the conference is “Corporate governance towards a new culture for disclosure, transparency and anti-corruption“. The forum will be attended by high-level representatives of the Bulgarian state and the European Commission, leading European institutions and organizations in the field of corporate governance, authoritative European experts from the academic community and the media.

Boards’ efficiency and fit & proper rules in financial organizations


EBF/ecoDa conference on October 25 from 9.00 to 11.45 (followed by a cocktail) Board effectiveness is a key challenge for boards, a challenge that goes far beyond judging structural elements such as board composition and the definitions of roles and responsibilities. A key driver lies in board dynamics, where independence (of mind) and professionalism play a crucial role. The European Central Bank has recently published a guide on the ‘fit and proper’ assessments that it undertakes in respect of board members for the institutions under its direct supervision. The European Banking Authority, in cooperation with ESMA, is also about to issue its updated guidelines which aim at further improving and harmonising the assessment of suitability within the EU financial sector and at ensuring sound governance arrangements in institutions. The European Banking Federation (EBF) together with the European Confederation of Directors’ Associations (ecoDa) are therefore organizing a joint event on October 25th on Boards’ efficiency and fit & proper rules in financial organizations on the EBF premises in Brussels (Avenue des Arts 56) from 9.00 to 11.45 (followed by a cocktail). The speakers will question: How judging ‘the fit’ of an individual board member should be done in light of the composition of the global board? What should be the periodicity and the depth of assessments? How should the national supervisors complement the role of boards in assessing the suitability of directors, before any nomination or re-nomination? The conference will finally question to what extent the ECB and EBA guidelines might be inspirational for a more general reflection on ‘internal governance’ from the perspective of a conglomerate or industrial group and all of its constituent companies and business units. The conference will include speakers from ECB, EBA, national financial supervisory authorities, board members, a head hunter and a consultant. The final programme will be circulated later on. To register, please send your contact details to: [email protected]

Fit and Proper Assessment per gli amministratori bancari

Fit and Proper Assessment. La disciplina degli esponenti aziendali e il ruolo chiave del comitato nomine. Summer Event Assosim.

Milano, Sala Convegni Intesa Sanpaolo, Piazza Belgioioso 1, ore 9:15-13:00.


Michele Calzolari, Presidente, Assosim

Maria Elena Cappello – Presidente Comitato Nomine e Comitato Remunerazioni MPS

Enzo De Angelis, Senior Partner, Spencer Stuart

Giovanni Fiori – Membro Comitato Nomine UBI

Paola Galbiati – Membro CdA Banco BPM

Luca Galli, Partner, Ernst&Young

Carlo Giaj Levra, Chief Executive Officer, Nike Consulting

Elisabetta Gualandri – Membro CdA BPER

Rossella Locatelli – Membro CdA Intesa Sanpaolo

Gianmaria Marano, Servizio Regolamentazione e Analisi Macroprudenziale, Banca d’Italia

Alberto Pera, Socio, Studio Gianni Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners

Fabrizio Rindi – Presidente CdA Kairos Partners SGR S.p.A.

Alessandro Rivera, Dirigente Generale Direzione IV – Sistema Bancario e Finanziario – Affari Legali, Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze

Paola Schwizer – Presidente Nedcommunity e Professore ordinario di Economia degli intermediari finanziari presso l’Università di Parma

Integrated governance conference 2017

Integrated governance conference 2017. Milano, Via Palestro 2, Sala Meili. Ore 15.00-19.00

Il programma dell’evento è disponibile al sito:

Aligning Corporate Governance and culture: What’s in it for the board?

No company would deny the existence of the link between corporate governance and culture of the organisation, as unfortunately highlighted by recent examples of corporate dysfunctions. Some investors believe that the state of corporate culture manifest among those who are responsible for corporate leadership, and are increasingly eager to meet the board and senior management.

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and ecoDa are delighted to invite you to a panel discussion aiming to share best practices and real life examples of how companies successfully achieved a culture change and how it works in reality.