ecoDa – EU Alert 36

US: ESG ratings in the S&P 500
US: The Well’s Fargo case (Reuters)

EU due diligence report raises hope for activists but worries foreign companies (Euractiv)
European shareholders contest more executive pay reports (Reuters)

UK: IoD report: Boards of directors must take back control of their organisations! 

EY Global risks survey
2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report
The audit committee and dividend policy: an empirical study of the post-SOX era
Mc Kinsey – Four essential questions for boards to ask about generative AI

ecoDa News

  • 11th of September: ecoDa response to the OECD public consultation of the Guidelines on SOEs and publication of press release
  • 13th of September: ecoDa Education Committee meeting in Milan
  • 15th of September: ecoDa Advocacy Committee meeting
  • 20th of September:: BIAC, ecoDa, IFAC webinar on “Revised OECD/G20 Corporate Governance Principles- What can companies do to promote sustainability and investor confidence?” that will be held virtually from 3:00pm-4:30pm CEST. More than 900 registrations so far ! Register here

The EU Alert is available for download here.

Webinar 5 aprile ecoDa & Mazars – Sustainability, Action Needed on defending issues for SMEs accross Europe

Cari Associati,
vi segnaliamo il webinar “Sustainability, Action Needed on defending issues for SMEs accross Europensation?” organizzato da ecoDa insieme a Mazars, in programma per il 5 aprile alle ore 11:00 – 12:00 CET.

Potete trovare il programma dell’evento nella sezione documenti posta alla fine di questa comunicazione.

Per registrarti CLICCA QUI

ecoDa – EU Alert 43

  • EP: Letter to the Commission to ensure access to justice as part of the Sustainable Corporate Governance proposal 
  • EP: JURI’s debate on the CSRD
  • ESMA/EBA: Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of members of management bodies
  • ESAs: Propose new rules for Taxonomy
  • EP: A European withholding tax framework discussed
  • EBA: Standards on voting disclosures
  • EC: 2021 Banking Package
  • The Science Based Target’s Net-Zero Standard
  • ICGN: Recommendations in light of the COP26
  • Benchmarking: ESG in banking and finance
  • Global investors calling for transparent human rights commitments

  • UK: Preparing for mandatory TCFD reporting (FRC)
  • UK: Consultation on climate and investment reporting
  • Netherlands: A new law for gender equality in leadership positions
  • France: New quota for female representation in executives position under discussion
  • French Report: The French State as shareholder

Boards face growing pressure from ESG petitions (Financial Times)

ecoDa News

  • 28th of October: ecoDa participated in the GNDI Policy Committee meeting: the idea of organising a GNDI global Summit in 2022 was raised. Such an event would be an opportunity to gather board members from all over the world to discuss Corporate Governance trends;
  • SAVE THE DATE:  ecoDa and Mazars are organising a series of events to focus on how to respond practically to the sustainability related challenges and, as importantly, how to spot the opportunities. The first event in the series will take place on the 19th of November (from 10.00 to 12.00) and will look at how supply chains have been impacted by sustainability.
  • 8th of November: ecoDa’s Education Working Group meeting;
  • 9th of November: The 2021 European Corporate Governance Conference, organised by ecoDa, EY and the Slovenian Institute of Directors. The programme can be found here.

The EU Alert is available for download here.