Joint ESAs consultation paper on ESG disclosures – ecoDa EU Alert


It includes:

  1. ECB may ask banks to withhold dividends for longer
  2. Joint ESAs consultation paper on ESG disclosures
  3. European Court of Auditors recommends that Commission review methods of monitoring EU climate-related expenditure
  4. Volkswagen risks diesel claims across EU after top court ruling
  5. The Wirecard case raises several concerns
  6. Frank Bold’s position on the revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
  7. Summary report of ecoDa’s series of webinars on the impacts of Covid-19 on board members
  8. The Maltese Institute of Directors organises a webinar on the centrality of Corporate Governance in the country’s economic system
  9. ecoDa’s news



Position paper of the European Parliament EESC Employers Groups in the key role of business in the recovery phase – ecoDa EU Alert


It includes:

  1. Draft Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers
  2. EC Consultation on the review of the Solvency II Directive
  3. European Commission: 2nd Summer School on Sustainable Finance
  4. ecoDa, BusinessEurope and European Issuers exchanging opinions on the current topical CG issues
  5. Responses to the European Commission consultation on the Digital Finance Strategy
  6. The Swiss Parliament finally agree on the Responsible Business Initiative
  7. Position paper of the European Parliament EESC Employers Groups in the key role of business in the recovery phase
  8. Natural Capital Finance Alliance: report on Biodiversity Targets and Finance
  9. Global Cyber Alliance: 8-week program around email security
  10. ecoDa’s news



EC: sets ban on paying dividends or bonuses as a condition for recapitalising companies in Covid-19 crisis – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. COVID-19: EU Actions
  2. EC: sets ban on paying dividends or bonuses as a condition for recapitalising companies in Covid-19 crisis
  3. EC: Consultation on a new digital finance strategy for Europe
  4. The European Federation of Employee Share Ownership: Employee share ownership in times of pandemic
  5. Business reaction to the current crisis: France, Italy and Germany’s main business organizations call for European fiscal solidarity
  6. France: to Tighten Controls on Non-EU Foreign Investment
  7. The Securities and Exchange Commission abandons key plank of proposal to curb proxy advisers
  8. The 25th European Corporate Governance Conference confirmed
  9. ecoDa’s news

EuropeanIssuers: Position Paper on Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. COVID-19: EU Actions
  2. Competition and COVID-19 in the EU
  3. European Commission: action plan to prevent and fight against money laundering and terrorist financing
  4. European Parliament: study on the role of SMEs in Europe’s long-term industrial strategy
  5. ESMA consults on SME Growth Markets
  6. BICG Webinar: Challenges for the boards of directors worldwide from the COVID-19 crisis
  7. The Alliance for Corporate Transparency: research on the sustainability-related disclosures made by 1000 European companies
  8. ESMA’s opinion on the new ESG disclosure requirements
  9. GNDI: A Resources Hub on Corporate Governance
  10. EuropeanIssuers: Position Paper on Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance
  11. ecoDa’s news

ICGN: Governance Priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. COVID-19: EU Actions
  2. European Commission: Update of its work programme
  3. European Commission: Update of the Guidelines on the standardised presentation of a remuneration report
  4. The EY study on directors’ duties and sustainable corporate governance: State of play
  5. ESAs: Consultation on Environmental, Social and Governance disclosure rules
  6. ICGN: Governance Priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic
  7. The Global Cyber Alliance: steps to stay safe while working remotely
  8. ecoDa’s News

How boards can help guide the business during the COVID-19 crisis – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. COVID-19: EU Actions
  2. European Commission: Open Consultations
  3. The Council of the EU: a unified taxonomy to encourage green investments
  4. Rethinking what “Acting in the interest of the corporation” means for boards in times of crisis
  5. Avoiding the Risk of Fiduciary Litigation as a Result of the Pandemic
  6. How boards can help guide the business during the COVID-19 crisis
  7. COVID-19 Upends How Boards Consider Data Protection
  8. European Investment Bank: Digitalisation, Small Businesses and Coronavirus
  9. IFA’s opinion column on dividends
  10. ecoDa’s News


COVID-19: Accountancy Europe / Practical steps to protect SMEs – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. COVID-19: EU Actions
  2. COVID-19: Accountancy Europe / Practical steps to protect SMEs
  3. COVID-19: ICGN’s comparative study on how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting individual markets
  4. UK: The Institute of Directors calls for help for companies and entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19
  5. COVID-19: Updates from the New Zealand Institute of Directors
  6. COVID-19: Call to Action from the Planetary Emergency Partnership
  7. ESMA’s Annual Report on enforcement and regulatory activities related to corporate reporting
  8. ECGS is launching a Shareholder Engagement Pool on Sustainable Distribution Policies.
  9. ecoDa’s News

ecoDa – VIDEO about the role of boards in promoting new business models in line with the climate emergency

The video is from the Directors’ Institute of Finland which conducts an interview of Stora Enso’s chair, Jorma Eloranta. In this video, Jorma Eloranta explains the role of boards in promoting new business models in line with the climate emergency.

Covid19: EU Actions – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  • Covid19: EU Actions
  • ESMA: Guidance on financial reporting deadlines in light of Covid-19
  • Covid19: New national developments with regards to CG
  • Slovenia: ecoDa’s member institute inviting its government to take actions
  • UK: The Financial Reporting Council’s guidance for companies and auditors during Covid-19 crisis
  • Covid-19: Measures taken by the Institutes of Directors outside the EU
  • Guberna’s Online GM: Interview with Liesbeth de Ridder, Secretary General
  • Joint Letter on Keeping European Markets Open
  • COVID-19: Input from EACLN and ACLN members
  • ecoDa’s News


EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Final Report on Sustainable Finance – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Final Report on Sustainable Finance
  2. EFES: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries
  3. ecoDa, Euronext, Ibabs and PwC’s webinar on “The Future of Boards: Evolution, Digitalisation and Tax Governance”
  4. France: Impact of Covid19 on AGM’s season
  5. UK: British fund industry warns companies on climate risk
  6. The British Academy’s report: Next paper
  7. CGLytics: European Board Diversity
  8. EC: New Circular Economy Action Plan
  9. EC: European Industrial and SMEs Strategy Package
  10. McKenzie: “Sustainable Finance: From Niche to New Normal”
  11. ecoDa’s News