OECD invites public comment on the draft revised Principles of Corporate Governance


First released in 1999 and last revised in 2004, the OECD Principles are one of the key standards for sound financial systems of the Financial Stability Board. In 2014, the OECD has launched a review of the Principles to ensure the continuing high quality, relevance and usefulness of the Principles taking into account recent developments in the corporate sector and capital markets.

The draft is a work in progress that has been prepared by the Secretariat of the OECD Corporate Governance Committee in order to solicit input from business and labour representatives, civil society, and other interested stakeholders. It has not been agreed by the Corporate Governance Committee and its content is without prejudice to the final text that will be agreed by the Committee and approved by the OECD Council. Other OECD Committees will also be consulted. (The “track changes” show modifications to the 2004 version of the Principles, with “double underline/strikethrough identifying text that has been moved but not changed.)

Comments can be sent by 4 January 2015 to [email protected]. Comments received by that date will be published online unless otherwise requested.

More information on OECD work on corporate governance is available here: https://www.oecd.org/daf/ca/2014-review-oecd-corporate-governance-principles.htm.

Webinar | Financial Risks and Monetary Policy under Climate Change



Financial Risks and Monetary Policy under Climate Change


 September 14th 2020 | h. 17.30 CET


Since the horizon at which climate change impacts the economy has shortened, the very likely impact of climate change on growth and future output paths might require more involvement of monetary policy. Although monetary policy aims at short-term output and employment stabilization, it should consider the impact of climate change on output, as well as the potential impact of climate-change-related fiscal policy measures on inflation.


On September 14th, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (ItaSIF) and Nedcommunity will discuss the impact that climate-related issues can have at a macro level, and the possible actions that monetary policy can implement in order to manage them properly.


With the participation of the DeRisk-CO network, the event will be the occasion to discuss with two professors from the University of Athens, University of Bologna, and University of Roma Tre, two approaches to the issue, deepening the analysis by presenting other possible extensions of the economic models on which such approaches are based.


Anastasios Xepapadeas – Athens University of Economics and Business, University of Bologna

Discussant: Valeria Costantini – Roma Tre University


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