First Status Report on Capital Market Union – April 25th 2016 – ecoDa Week Alert N. 17


ecoDa Week Alert N. 17

It includes:

  1. First Status Report on Capital Market Union divided into: Actions adopted; Key initiatives; Preparation of other CMU actions to deliver in 2017-2018
  2. European Women on Boards – Report on progress and challenges for Women on Company Board
  3. Shareholders’ Rights Directive – news
  4. Audit Reform Implementation – UK – Financial Reporting Council Guidance on Audit Committees
  5. European Economic and Social Committee – Report on the Anti Tax Avoidance Package
  6. The 2016 Allen & Overy Prize for the Best Paper in the ECGI Law Working – Paper on “Monetary Liability for Breach of the Duty of Care”
  7. ecoDa’s News

“Corporate governance: Board responsibilities”. A policy statement – ecoDa Week Alert N. 16

ecoDa Week Alert N. 16

It includes:

  1. Prudential Regulation Authority “Corporate governance: Board responsibilities”. A policy statement published in March 2016
  2. Hellenic Corporate Governance Council: public consultation, in Greece and abroad, on good corporate governance for non-listed companies.
  3. Institute for Impact Assessment and Scientific Evaluation of Policy and Legislation  –  launched in Brussels, April 2016
  4. European Women on Boards – an Upcoming survey on gender diversity in European boardrooms
  5. ecoDa’s News

The implementation of the EU Audit legislation – ecoDa Week Alert N. 15

ecoDa Week Alert N. 15

It includes:

1. Disclosure of income tax information by multinational corporations
2. The EU Council meeting document on Shareholders’ Rights Directive 3. ecoDa and other opinions on Public consultation on non-binding guidelines for reporting non-financial information 4. The status of the implementation of the EU Audit Reform by member states 5. EC Call for Evidence on EU regulatory framework for financial services: open registration for stakeholders meeting 6. Conference on “Operating under the shadow of terrorism” – focus on 7. ecoDa’s News

The implementation of the EU Audit legislation by member states

The implementation of the EU Audit legislation by member states – ecoDa Week Alert N. 15

ecoDa Week Alert N. 15

It includes:

  1. Disclosure of income tax information by multinational corporations
  2. The EU Council meeting document on Shareholders’ Rights Directive
  3. ecoDa and other opinions on Public consultation on non-binding guidelines for reporting non-financial information
  4. The status of the implementation of the EU Audit Reform by member states
  5. EC Call for Evidence on EU regulatory framework for financial services: open registration for stakeholders meeting, on May 17th 2016
  6. Conference on “Operating under the shadow of terrorism” – focus on
  7. ecoDa’s News

Digitalisation and Company law – ecoDa Week Alert N. 14

ecoDa Week Alert N. 14

It includes:

1.       AMF Study on CG Codes in the European Union
2.       Report from Informal Company Law Expert Group on Information on Groups
3.       Report from Informal Company Law Expert Group on Digitalisation and Company law
4.       ACCA / Grant Thornton’s Report on the Future of Audit
5.       EY’s report on EU Audit reform
6.       IFC Conference on on Corporate Governance Codes, Standards and Disclosure: Integrating Environment and Social Considerations with Corporate Governance
7.       New ECGI’s working papers
8.       ecoDa’s News

EU Public consultations on: long-term and sustainable investment and non-financial reporting guidelines

EU Public consultations on: long-term and sustainable investment and non-financial reporting guidelines

ecoDa EU week aler N. 12/2016 includes:

1. Public consultation on long-term and sustainable investment – Almost close
2. EC Public consultation on non-financial reporting guidelines- Deadline: 15 April 2016
3. Corporate Culture- Two new papers
4. ecoDa News

ecoDa week alerts 7, 9, 10, 11

Main topics:

– Call for evidence: EU regulatory framework for financial services
– Shareholders’ Rights Directive
– The implementation of the audit reform
– Digitalisation and company law
– Workers representation on board level in Europe : Draft Initiative Report issued by the EMPL Committee at the European Parliament

ecoDa’s new Report on Comply or Explain practices in the EU

ecoDa’s new Report on Comply or Explain practices in the EU

A pan-European report has been launched today offering an overview of the approaches adopted at national level in terms of the implementation, monitoring and enforcement of Corporate Governance Codes.

The Report has been produced by the European Confederation of Directors’ Associations (ecoDa) in collaboration with Mazars and with the support of both the European Corporate Governance Codes Network (ECGCN) and the European Commission.

By opting for the “Comply or Explain” principle, the European Commission has explicitly made the choice for flexibility. Flexibility was seen as the condition to guarantee that companies have their governance tailored to their specific needs.

With this report, ecoDa wants to foster the respect of the 2014 EU recommendation, stimulating qualitative governance reporting. It is in the interest of the European Commission and of listed companies to get a more coordinated understanding and application of the code concept throughout the European Union.

The Report concludes that when combining the differences in the structure of the governance codes with the different approaches to disclosure in the governance statements, it is difficult to make comparisons of compliance ratio’s across Europe. The Report highlights some best practices for objective and efficient monitoring. The Report makes it clear that peer pressure and a credible monitoring regime are crucial for the survival of self-regulation.

This Report is the first part of a triple project; the second part will be dedicated to the board’s role in designing an effective framework of corporate governance while the third part will look more fully into the vision of shareholders as regards compliance with governance codes and recommendations.

Lutgart Van den Berghe, Chair of the ecoDa Policy Committee, Executive Director of Guberna said: “One of the challenging questions is whether monitoring not only leads to more companies complying but whether it also leads to companies doing the right things? Hopefully the Report will foster a better respect for flexibility and rehabilitate the route of explanations”.

David Herbinet, Mazars, Partner, said: “Establishing a change in governance culture to promote the use of the ‘comply or explain’ concept’s flexibility rather than ‘box ticking’ is essential”.