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It includes:
- European Commission: Fitness Check on public reporting by companies
- European Commission: Consultation on SMEs definition
- EBA: methodological guide on risk indicators and detailed risk analysis tools
- ESMA: Market Abuse
- Morrow Sodali: Institutional Investor Survey
- ECIPE report: Will Cyber Espionage be Allowed to Hold Europe Back in the Global Race for Industrial Competitiveness?
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- European Commission: Fitness Check on public reporting by companies
- European Commission: Consultation on SMEs definition
- EBA: methodological guide on risk indicators and detailed risk analysis tools
- ESMA: Market Abuse
- Morrow Sodali: Institutional Investor Survey
- ECIPE report: Will Cyber Espionage be Allowed to Hold Europe Back in the Global Race for Industrial Competitiveness?
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- EC High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Final Report
- CEAOB: A questionnaire to be addressed to Audit Committees’ chairs before the summer
- European Commission: New EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum
- European Commission: New initiatives under CMU
- ESMA draws attention to new US tax legislation
- 16th Annual European Financial Services Conference
- ICAEW Conference: Big Data in China, insights and lessons
- ICSA interviewing HSBC’s group company secretary: Reimagining the annual report
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- EC High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Final Report
- CEAOB: A questionnaire to be addressed to Audit Committees’ chairs before the summer
- European Commission: New EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum
- European Commission: New initiatives under CMU
- ESMA draws attention to new US tax legislation
- 16th Annual European Financial Services Conference
- ICAEW Conference: Big Data in China, insights and lessons
- ICSA interviewing HSBC’s group company secretary: Reimagining the annual report
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- European Commission: A guidance on new data protection rules
- High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Final report
- 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer
- Davos: Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- European Commission: A guidance on new data protection rules
- High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Final report
- 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer
- Davos: Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- European Commission: A guidance on new data protection rules
- High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Final report
- 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer
- Davos: Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- World Economic Forum: Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World 23-26 January 2018
- EBA: Risk Dashboard
- ECIPE: Report on Digitalization, Corporate Tax Base and the Role of Governments
- ECGI Paper: Dividends and Taxes: The Moderating Role of Agency Conflicts
- CEPS Conference: cybersecurity in the EU
- EC Company Law Expert Group: outcome of the September meeting
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- European Commission: Upcoming initiatives
- European Commission: New rules to prevent tax evasion and money laundering
- ESMA updates on MIFID II implementation
- BETTER FINANCE calling for an EU collective redress scheme for financial consumers
- Best Practice Principles for Shareholder Voting Research: Responses to the consultation
- European Commission: The Sustainable Development Multi-Stakeholder Platform
- France: New debates around companies’ transformation and dialogue among investors and board members
- UK: ‘Comply or Explain’ principle to be applied to the Alternative Investment Market
- EESC’s activities during the Bulgarian Presidency
- Digitalisation: a Google chair at College of Europe
- NACD Global Cyber Forum in Geneva
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- European Commission: Upcoming initiatives
- European Commission: New rules to prevent tax evasion and money laundering
- ESMA updates on MIFID II implementation
- BETTER FINANCE calling for an EU collective redress scheme for financial consumers
- Best Practice Principles for Shareholder Voting Research: Responses to the consultation
- European Commission: The Sustainable Development Multi-Stakeholder Platform
- France: New debates around companies’ transformation and dialogue among investors and board members
- UK: ‘Comply or Explain’ principle to be applied to the Alternative Investment Market
- EESC’s activities during the Bulgarian Presidency
- Digitalisation: a Google chair at College of Europe
- NACD Global Cyber Forum in Geneva
- ecoDa News