2019 Best Practice Principles for Shareholder Voting Research & Analysis – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  • EC: Stakeholder dialogue on sustainable finance
  • 2019 Best Practice Principles for Shareholder Voting Research & Analysis
  • EuropeanIssuers: Due Diligence requirements through the supply chain
  • Australia: Report on “Forward Governance Agenda: Lifting Standards and Practice”
  • Employee Share Ownership : support in principle of past MEPs
  • Article: Unlocking the Board’s Data-Value Challenge
  • EU Elections 2019
  • ecoDa News

EFRAG Conference on Fostering Innovation in Corporate Reporting – ecoDa EU Alert


It includes:

  • EFRAG Conference on Fostering Innovation in Corporate Reporting
  • ACCA Roundtable Discussion/Internalizing environmental externalities: the contribution of corporate reporting of natural capital to sustainable finance and the circular economy
  • Malta IoD 60th Anniversary : Reshaping Malta’s boards
  • Better Finance- EU Elections: Are politicians willing to help citizens to improve the long-term value of their savings?
  • SMART : Call for papers
  • European Roundtable of Industrialists: Strategic Paper
  • EY: Five ways to enhance board oversight of culture
  • The 24th European CG Conference
  • ecoDa New

Corporations should take the lead on sustainability – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. Corporations should take the lead on sustainability
  2. OECD Survey of Corporate Governance Frameworks in the Middle East and North Africa
  3. EC Guidelines on Remuneration Report
  4. Next EC and EP: manifesto from peer organizations
  5. ICGN – ECGI Academic Day
  6. Belgium: 2020 Belgian Code on CG
  7. France: The MEDEF has just set up a working group dedicated to Corporate Governance
  8. European Elections
  9. ecoDa News

European business community urges citizens to vote in EU elections- ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC Conference on Better Regulation
  2. European business community urges citizens to vote in EU elections
  3. Canada: The best interest of the corporation
  4. International Awards on Investor Climate-Related Disclosures
  5. New Zealand : 2019 Directors’ Fees survey
  6. Article: When Dual-Class Stock Met Corporate Spin-Offs
  7. ecoDa News

EP: EU Statutory Audit Reform: Impact on costs, concentration and competition – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EP: EU Statutory Audit Reform: Impact on costs, concentration and competition
  2. EFES: New record year for employee share ownership in Europe
  3. EC: Taking forward work on ethics guidelines for AI
  4. UN : Legal readiness for climate finance
  5. Remuneration in Belgium and Luxembourg
  6. France : supplementary retirement mechanism and non-competition clause
  7. ESAs Publish joint advice on information and communication technology (ICT) risk management and cybersecurity
  8. Education programmes: New developments
  9. ecoDa News

EP: EU Statutory Audit Reform: Impact on costs, concentration and competition – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EP: EU Statutory Audit Reform: Impact on costs, concentration and competition
  2. EFES: New record year for employee share ownership in Europe
  3. EC: Taking forward work on ethics guidelines for AI
  4. UN : Legal readiness for climate finance
  5. Remuneration in Belgium and Luxembourg
  6. France : supplementary retirement mechanism and non-competition clause
  7. ESAs Publish joint advice on information and communication technology (ICT) risk management and cybersecurity
  8. Education programmes: New developments
  9. ecoDa News

ESMA: Seeks candidates for its stakeholders group – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. The 23rd European Corporate Governance Conference
  2. EC : Directive for Cross-border Conversions, Mergers and Divisions
  3. EP: Taxonomy
  4. EC : ScaleUps
  5. US: New proposed regulation – The Reward Work Act
  6. UK: IBE Response to the FRC consultation on proposed revision to the Stewardship Code
  7. EFRAG: Fostering Innovation on Corporate Reporting
  8. ESMA: Seeks candidates for its stakeholders group
  9. ecoDa’s News

ESMA: Q&AS relating to the Prospectus Regulation and the Transparency Directive – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EP : Whistleblowers’ protection
  2. EP: Taxonomy
  3. EP: TAX3 Committee
  4. ESMA: Response to EC consultation on climate-related guidelines
  5. ESMA: Q&AS relating to the Prospectus Regulation and the Transparency Directive
  6. Video on DAC6 – EU Directive on cross-border tax arrangements
  7. France: PACTE Law adopted
  8. UK: BEIS Committee report – ‘Executive Rewards: paying for success
  9. India: National Guidelines on Responsible Business
  10. Swiss Federal Council initiates consultation on improving framework conditions for blockchain
  11. Norway: Robots should be authorized as financial advisers

EU Blockchain Observatory: Report On Sustainability of Blockchains – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EP: Debriefing Note on Sustainable finance and disclosures
  2. ESMA: An ecoDa representative at the Consultative Working Group (CWG) for the ESMA Corporate Reporting Standing Committee (CRSC).
  3. EC: Consultation on gender equality
  4. EU Blockchain Observatory: Report On Sustainability of Blockchains
  5. EuropeanIssuers: Statement on the EP Compromise Amendments to the Taxonomy Regulation
  6. BoardAgenda: Digitalisation & Enterprise Governance Management (EGM)
  7. Article: Behavioral Foundations of Corporate Culture