EC: 2020-2025 Gender Equality Strategy – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC: Study on Due Diligence through the Supply Chain
  2. EC: 2020-2025 Gender Equality Strategy
  3. EC: Anti-Money Laundering
  4. EC: Study on Blockchains
  5. Blackrock: Europe’s listed companies: their governance, shareholders and votes cast
  6. Accountants take action against climate change
  7. 24th EU CG Conference: Summary and videos available
  8. The SMART Project: Videos of their past conference
  9. Articles
  10. ICGC: Leadership in Risk Management: European Survey 2020
  11. ecoDa’s News

AccountancyEurope: Towards reliable non-financial information – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC Consultation on the review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
  2. EC Informal Company Law Expert Group: Composition
  3. EC Survey on Due Diligence – to be issued on February 24th
  4. EC: Public Consultation on the revision of MiFID and MiFIR
  5. Frank Bold: The State of Corporate Sustainability Reporting in the EU
  6. IIRC: Call for feedback on the International <IR> Framework
  7. AccountancyEurope: Towards reliable non-financial information
  8. UK IoD : A Centre for Corporate Governance
  9. ecoDa’s News


Shareholder activism in 2019 – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. Action Plan on Sustainable Finance
  2. EC consultation on its roadmaps/impact assessments on AML and NFR
  3. EC: Study on the relevance and impact of Artificial Intelligence for Company Law & Corporate Governance
  4. EC: SMES Strategy
  5. High Level Forum on Capital Markets Union
  6. Shareholder activism in 2019
  7. WEF consultation paper on Toward Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation
  8. Accountancy Europe:  Interconnected standard setting for corporate reporting
  9. ECGI: A conference on Sustainable Finance
  10. ecoDa News

Leadership in Risk Management: European Survey 2020 – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. DG FISMA : An upcoming public consultation on the review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
  2. EFRAG: Report on How to improve climate-related reporting
  3. EFRAG: to develop Non-Financial Reporting Standards for the European Commission
  4. EFRAG: Call for experts to its Advisory Panel on Intangibles
  5. EBA: Composition of management bodies in institutions
  6. ESMA sets out its strategy on sustainable finance
  7. Leadership in Risk Management: European Survey 2020
  8. Startup Europe
  9. ecoDa’s News


France: Upcoming new CG Code & Gender Quotas for Executive Committees – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC 2020 Work Programme
  2. The Boston Consulting Group: Getting Uncomfortable on Purpose
  3. France: French employees are asking the company to refocus on its primary missions
  4. France: Upcoming new CG Code & Gender Quotas for Executive Committees
  5. UK: Are non-standardised ESG metrics such a bad thing?
  6. GNDI: Towards Principles on the Corporate Governance of Climate Change
  7. ecoDa News

The World Economic Forum: Stakeholder Capitalism – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  • The World Economic Forum: Stakeholder Capitalism
  • Philippe Lamberts, MEP at Guberna/Euronext New Year event
  • IIRC : A new model for integrated thinking
  • WBCSD & ICAEW: Assurance on non-financial information
  • ECGI & IESE: Corporate Governance and Ownership with Diverse
  • EC wants to ensure ethical use of artificial intelligence
  • ecoDa News

WEF: Sustainable finance starts with data – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  • Successes of Croatian EU Council Presidency and Commission are linked, according to Mrs von der Leyen
  • Commission presents its ‘Investment Plan for a Sustainable Europe’ to European Parliament
  • BlackRock CEO letter issues warning on sustainability disclosures
  • WEF: Sustainable finance starts with data
  • AccountancyEurope: Interconnected Standard Setting for Corporate Reporting
  • The US Institute of Internal Auditors: The Governance Benchmark
  • EwoB : Gender Diversity Index
  • US: Public companies support SEC proposal on proxy firms
  • ecoDa News

Italy: toughens its quotas to ensure gender diversity on boards from 30 to 40% – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. The Croatian presidency of the EU: DeHavilland EU report
  2. EP: Collective Redress
  3. Digital Tax: Feud between France and the US
  4. UK: Annual Review of the UK CG Code
  5. Finland: New CG Code
  6. Italy: toughens its quotas to ensure gender diversity on boards from 30 to 40%
  7. Barclays’ shareholders are asking the board to cease business with unsustainable clients
  8. Deloitte and ICAEW report on audit committees
  9. ecoDa News


Member States confirm agreement on taxonomy on sustainable finance – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. ESMA proposes strengthened rules to address undue short-termism in securities markets
  2. Member States confirm agreement on taxonomy on sustainable finance
  3. UK: moves to strengthen auditor independence and ban conflicts of interest
  4. France : Quotas for female board members could be extended to mid-caps companies
  5. France : AFEP Report on shareholder activism
  6. ecoDa News

Leading academics publish policy recommendations to make corporate governance more sustainable – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes: 

  1. European Green Deal
  2. The 24th European CG Conference in Helsinki
  3. Leading academics publish policy recommendations to make corporate governance more sustainable
  4. Harvard Law School Forum: Thoughts for Boards of Directors in 2020
  5. Sustainable Finance Taxonomy: State of play
  6. ECGCN : New Chair
  7. ecoDa News