ecoDa – EU Alert 36

US: ESG ratings in the S&P 500
US: The Well’s Fargo case (Reuters)

EU due diligence report raises hope for activists but worries foreign companies (Euractiv)
European shareholders contest more executive pay reports (Reuters)

UK: IoD report: Boards of directors must take back control of their organisations! 

EY Global risks survey
2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report
The audit committee and dividend policy: an empirical study of the post-SOX era
Mc Kinsey – Four essential questions for boards to ask about generative AI

ecoDa News

  • 11th of September: ecoDa response to the OECD public consultation of the Guidelines on SOEs and publication of press release
  • 13th of September: ecoDa Education Committee meeting in Milan
  • 15th of September: ecoDa Advocacy Committee meeting
  • 20th of September:: BIAC, ecoDa, IFAC webinar on “Revised OECD/G20 Corporate Governance Principles- What can companies do to promote sustainability and investor confidence?” that will be held virtually from 3:00pm-4:30pm CEST. More than 900 registrations so far ! Register here

The EU Alert is available for download here.