ecoDa – Eu Alert 20


Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: Update
European Green Bond Standard: new measures to reduce greenwashing
Ban on products made with forces labour: EP recommendations


More shareholders rejecting companies’ executive pay program


France: BNP Paribas’ general assembly disturbed by NGOs (Les Echos)
France: Total takes further climate commitments as a result of investors’ pressures (Les Echos)


EC: Capital Markets Union: investing for a stronger, prosperous and sustainable European Union

ecoDa News

The EU Alert is available for download here.

Webinar 23 Maggio – How can a focus on governance help reimagine corporate integrity? ecoDa, EY, INSEAD

Cari Associati,
vi segnaliamo il webinar “How can a focus on governance help reimagine corporate integrity?” organizzato da ecoDa insieme a EY e INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre in programma per il 23 maggio alle ore 11:00 – 12:00 CET.

Per registrarti CLICCA QUI.

ecoDa – EU Alert 19

It Includes:


Provisional agreement on the Digital Operational Resilience Act
Corporate taxation: Commission proposed tax incentive for equity
New rules on cybersecurity


Climate change: Blackrock steps back (CNBC)
NACD: Comments to the SEC proposed rules on cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance and incident disclosure


ecoDa: Reactions to ATAD III


SABS Standards Board public meeting

ecoDa News

  • 16th of May: Béatrice Richez-Baum, ecoDa’s DG, speaking at the Legal Committee of the French Institute of Directors;
  • 20th of May: Béatrice Richez-Baum, ecoDa’s DG, speaking at a conference organized by PUBLIKA, the internal think tank of the SKEMA Business School in partnership with the ONUDI;
  • SAVE THE DATE23rd of May (11.00 to 12.00 CET): ecoDa and EY will organize a webinar on How can a focus on governance can help reimagine corporate integrity?“;
  • SAVE THE DATE14th of June (6.00 to 8.00pm CET in Brussels): ecoDa and Chapter Zero Brussels invite you to a discussion between policy makers and European board members to discuss the EU Green Deal; You can already express your interest to attend at;
  • REMINDER- SAVE THE DATE: 13-14 July: GNDI Global Conference. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the GNDI, which ecoDa is part of, the network will be host a 24-hour virtual event, where Abigail Levrau (Chair of ecoDa’s Corporate Governance Dialogue Advisory Committee), Michael Hilb (ecoDa Board Member) and Béatrice Richez-Baum (ecoDa’s DG) will intervene;
  • ecoDa is delighted to welcome a new member institute, the Financial Experts Association e.V. (FEA), which represents German and international non-executive directors in supervisory and advisory boards.

The EU Alert is available for download here.

Tavola Rotonda 11 maggio- Il Capitale nelle Imprese

abbiamo il piacere di condividere la locandina dell’evento che si terrà in Confindustria Genova  il prossimo 11 maggio e alla cui tavola rotonda, a conclusione del ciclo di seminari sul tema “Il capitale nelle imprese”, parteciperà la dott.ssa Negri-Clementi in qualità di Componente del Consiglio Direttivo di Nedcommunity.