Earlier this year, the European Commission concluded a far-reaching consultation on the EU company law framework to promote sustainable corporate governance and company law, and in March the European Parliament announced plans for a new binding law that ensures companies are held accountable and liable when they harm – or contribute to harming – human rights, the environment and good governance. The ICGN’s Global Governance Principles emphasise that directors have a legal duty to act on an informed basis, with good faith, care and loyalty to promote the long-term best interests of the company to preserve and enhance sustainable value creation. How do mandatory and voluntary requirements harmonize for best effect? What does this mean in practice for company boards and investors alike?
- Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance, London Business School & Academic Director, Centre for Corporate Governance, UK
- Michel de Fabiani, Chair of Policy Committee, ecoDa, France
- Jana Jevcakova, Managing Director, Corporate Governance, Morrow Sodali, Australia
- Maria Pierdicchi, Director, Unicredit and Chairwoman and Board Member, Nedcommunity, Italy
- Chair: George Dallas, Policy Director, ICGN, UK