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It includes:
- ESMA proposes strengthened rules to address undue short-termism in securities markets
- Member States confirm agreement on taxonomy on sustainable finance
- UK: moves to strengthen auditor independence and ban conflicts of interest
- France : Quotas for female board members could be extended to mid-caps companies
- France : AFEP Report on shareholder activism
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- European Green Deal
- The 24th European CG Conference in Helsinki
- Leading academics publish policy recommendations to make corporate governance more sustainable
- Harvard Law School Forum: Thoughts for Boards of Directors in 2020
- Sustainable Finance Taxonomy: State of play
- ECGCN : New Chair
- ecoDa News
It includes:
- MEPs, politicians and left-wing intellectuals call for more ambitious European Green New Deal
- European investors: calling to enshrine the EU’s 2050 climate neutrality goal in law.
- EP/FEMM Committee: The EU Strategy for Gender Equality – Hearing
- CEAOB : New Guidelines on Duration of the audit engagements and auditors’ involvement on financial statements in ESEF
- US Center for Audit Quality: A White Paper On The Role Of Auditors
- Press articles: Corporate Purpose / Ethics
- ACCA Conference: the non-financial reporting directive
- ecoDa News