ESMA: Q&AS relating to the Prospectus Regulation and the Transparency Directive – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EP : Whistleblowers’ protection
  2. EP: Taxonomy
  3. EP: TAX3 Committee
  4. ESMA: Response to EC consultation on climate-related guidelines
  5. ESMA: Q&AS relating to the Prospectus Regulation and the Transparency Directive
  6. Video on DAC6 – EU Directive on cross-border tax arrangements
  7. France: PACTE Law adopted
  8. UK: BEIS Committee report – ‘Executive Rewards: paying for success
  9. India: National Guidelines on Responsible Business
  10. Swiss Federal Council initiates consultation on improving framework conditions for blockchain
  11. Norway: Robots should be authorized as financial advisers

EU Blockchain Observatory: Report on Sustainability of Blockchains – ecoDa

15 Novembre 2018

ARCA FONDI, Via Disciplini 3, Milano

ore 17:30 – 19:15




Ugo LoserAmministratore Delegato, Arca Fondi SGR

Alberto BorgiaPresidente, AIAF

Carmine Di NoiaCommissario, Consob

Marcello BianchiVice Direttore Generale Assonime, Direttore Area Mercato dei Capitali e Società Quotate

Paola SchwizerPresidente Nedcommunity, Professore ordinario di Economia degli intermediari finanziari – Università di Parma

Alberto BorgiaPresidente AIAF

Il convegno è ad ingresso libero con iscrizione obbligatoria:
AIAF Associazione Italiana per l’Analisi Finanziaria
Corso Magenta, 56 – 20123 Milano – Tel. 02 72023500-7200053;

Incontro AIAF sulla Governance 15 novembre 2018.pdf


EU Blockchain Observatory: Report On Sustainability of Blockchains – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EP: Debriefing Note on Sustainable finance and disclosures
  2. ESMA: An ecoDa representative at the Consultative Working Group (CWG) for the ESMA Corporate Reporting Standing Committee (CRSC).
  3. EC: Consultation on gender equality
  4. EU Blockchain Observatory: Report On Sustainability of Blockchains
  5. EuropeanIssuers: Statement on the EP Compromise Amendments to the Taxonomy Regulation
  6. BoardAgenda: Digitalisation & Enterprise Governance Management (EGM)
  7. Article: Behavioral Foundations of Corporate Culture

EC: Consultation on the draft guidelines on the standardised presentation of the remuneration report – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC: Consultation on the draft guidelines on the standardised presentation of the remuneration report
  2. EFRAG : A high-level conference on Fostering innovation in Corporate Reporting
  3. France : Ranking first in terms of gender diversity
  4. France : Business Community claiming for a better dialogue between extra-financial rating organizations and companies
  5. INSEAD/WBCSD: Training programme on governance and sustainability
  6. ecoDa’s News