ecoDa EU Alert – Week 21 – Directive on Tax Intermediaries

It includes:

  1. European Commission: First legislative package in support of the Action Plan for Sustainable Finance.
  2. European Commission: Call for Feedback on SME Financing Measures
  3. European Commission: Call for Feedback on an SBBS Regulation
  4. European Commission: Presentation of the 2019 Budget
  5. European Commission: €146 Million for 79 Innovative Projects
  6. Council: Directive on Tax Intermediaries
  7. European Parliament: Conference on the Company Law Package
  8. Better Finance: Guillaume Prache Presentation at ecoDa’s Board Meeting
  9. GDPR: Complaints Imminent According to Enforcement Coordinator
  10. Luxembourg Bankers’ Association: Article on the Blockchain Governance Framework in Luxembourg
  11. Bruegel: Conference on China’s Financial System
  12. ecoDa’s News

ecoDa EU Alert – Week 20 – Communication on Digital Single Market Completion – European Commission

It includes:

  1. European Parliament: Dialogue with Commissioner Dombrovskis
  2. Norway: Proposed Changes in the Corporate Governance Code
  3. France: Oxfam Controversial Report on Dividend Policy in CAC40 Companies
  4. IFA: A roundtable discussion on Companies’ purpose
  5. ACCA Publication: the Tenets of Good Corporate Governance
  6. ACCA, EBRD & Barclays Conference on Sustainable Finance
  7. European Commission: Communication on Digital Single Market Completion
  8. European Business Summit
  9. ecoDa News

©Communication on Digital Single Market Completion – European Commission – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 20

It includes:

  1. European Parliament: Dialogue with Commissioner Dombrovskis
  2. Norway: Proposed Changes in the Corporate Governance Code
  3. France: Oxfam Controversial Report on Dividend Policy in CAC40 Companies
  4. IFA: A roundtable discussion on Companies’ purpose
  5. ACCA Publication: the Tenets of Good Corporate Governance
  6. ACCA, EBRD & Barclays Conference on Sustainable Finance
  7. European Commission: Communication on Digital Single Market Completion
  8. European Business Summit
  9. ecoDa News

Communication on Digital Single Market Completion – European Commission – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 20

It includes:

  1. European Parliament: Dialogue with Commissioner Dombrovskis
  2. Norway: Proposed Changes in the Corporate Governance Code
  3. France: Oxfam Controversial Report on Dividend Policy in CAC40 Companies
  4. IFA: A roundtable discussion on Companies’ purpose
  5. ACCA Publication: the Tenets of Good Corporate Governance
  6. ACCA, EBRD & Barclays Conference on Sustainable Finance
  7. European Commission: Communication on Digital Single Market Completion
  8. European Business Summit
  9. ecoDa News

ecoDa EU Alert – Week 19 – The General Data Protection Regulation

It includes:

  1. ecoDa: Comment Letter on the Consultation on an Implementing Regulation of the Shareholders’ Rights Directive
  2. Position Papers on the Public Consultation on the SME Definition
  3. The General Data Protection Regulation
  4. European Investment Bank: €750 Million Extra Funding for European SMEs
  5. European Parliament: Draft Reports on VAT Proposal Directives
  6. INSEAD: Interesting Article on Ryanair as a Role Model for Europe’s Banks
  7. ecoDa’s News

IBA: Guide on Whistleblower Protection – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 18

It includes:

  1. European Commission: Presentation of the EU 2021-2027 Budget Proposal
  2. Ernst & Young: Study on Cross-border Operations
  3. IBA: Guide on Whistleblower Protection
  4. European Parliament: Workshop on Whistleblower Protection
  5. Accountancy Europe: State of Play on Member States’ Implementation of New EU Audit Rules
  6. CSR Europe, GRI, and Accountancy Europe: State of Play on Member States’ Implementation of the EU NFI Directive
  7. European Court of Justice: Incompatibility of the Position of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Effective Director in Certain Credit Institutions
  8. ecoDa News

The General Data Protection Regulation – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 19

It includes:

  1. ecoDa: Comment Letter on the Consultation on an Implementing Regulation of the Shareholders’ Rights Directive  
  2. Position Papers on the Public Consultation on the SME Definition
  3. The General Data Protection Regulation
  4. European Investment Bank: €750 Million Extra Funding for European SMEs
  5. European Parliament: Draft Reports on VAT Proposal Directives
  6. INSEAD: Interesting Article on Ryanair as a Role Model for Europe’s Banks
  7. ecoDa’s News 

ecoDa EU Alert – Week 18 – IBA: Guide on Whistleblower Protection

It includes:

  1. European Commission: Presentation of the EU 2021-2027 Budget Proposal
  2. Ernst & Young: Study on Cross-border Operations
  3. IBA: Guide on Whistleblower Protection
  4. European Parliament: Workshop on Whistleblower Protection
  5. Accountancy Europe: State of Play on Member States’ Implementation of New EU Audit Rules
  6. CSR Europe, GRI, and Accountancy Europe: State of Play on Member States’ Implementation of the EU NFI Directive
  7. European Court of Justice: Incompatibility of the Position of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Effective Director in Certain Credit Institutions
  8. ecoDa News

IBA: Guide on Whistleblower Protection – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 18

It includes:

  1. European Commission: Presentation of the EU 2021-2027 Budget Proposal
  2. Ernst & Young: Study on Cross-border Operations
  3. IBA: Guide on Whistleblower Protection
  4. European Parliament: Workshop on Whistleblower Protection
  5. Accountancy Europe: State of Play on Member States’ Implementation of New EU Audit Rules
  6. CSR Europe, GRI, and Accountancy Europe: State of Play on Member States’ Implementation of the EU NFI Directive
  7. European Court of Justice: Incompatibility of the Position of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Effective Director in Certain Credit Institutions
  8. ecoDa News