U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May laid out her vision of a post-Brexit U.K. economy that “works for everyone” – ecoDa Week Alert N. 28


ecoDa Week Alert N. 28


It includes:


  1. Theresa May’s statements on Corporate Governance
  2. Employees representatives in Boardrooms
  3. Country by Country Reporting
  4. Upcoming conferences on Corporate Governance – Brussels, 28 September 2016
  5. ecoDa’s News

European Banking Authority- Transparency exercise on a wide sample of over 100 banks – ecoDa Week Alert N. 27


ecoDa Week Alert N. 27


It includes:


  1. European Banking Authority – Benchmarking analysis of diversity practices
  2. European Women on Boards  – Gender Diversity on European Boards: Realising Europe’s Potential: Experiences and Best Practices
  3. European Banking Authority- Transparency exercise
  4. Priorities of the Slovak Presidency of the European Council
  5. The 19th European Corporate Governance Conference – October 27th 2016, in Bratislava
  6. The European Securities and Markets Authority calls for expression of interests
  7. ecoDa’s News

Brexit – Why business lost its voice and how to restore it?/ Trust in companies – An article written by Mark Goyder about the Brexit and its relation with business – ecoDa Week Alert N. 25

ecoDa Week Alert N. 25

It includes:

  1. Brexit – Why business lost its voice and how to restore it?/ Trust in companies
  2. Market Abuse Regulation  – An EU legal framework will ensure even more efficient, transparent and trustworthy European financial markets
  3. Last speech of Commissioner Jonathan Hill in front the European Parliament
  4. Federation of European Accountants – The state of play of the implementation of new Audit rules
  5. UK: The Financial Reporting Council and its annual publication “key facts and trends in the accountancy profession”
  6. Financial Reporting Council: Corporate culture and the national external auditor
  7. ecoDa’s News

New EU audit rules become applicable – On June 17th, the new EU statutory audit rules took effect – ecoDa Week Alert N. 24

ecoDa Week Alert N. 24

It includes:

  1. New EU audit rules become applicable
  2. European Supervisory Authorities – The Joint Committee of the ESA has launched its dedicated website.
  3. The European Federation of Employee Share Ownership report on employee ownership policies
  4. Shareholders’ Rights Directive
  5. Public consultation on non-financial reporting guidelines – All the responses published
  6. ecoDa’s News